Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Doug Preston

I'm a reader, or a bookworm as they used to say. I always have a novel and a few nonfiction books working. My buddy, Rick Swan, got me started on the Douglas Preston/Lincoln Child thrillers. Turns out Doug Preston is an avid horseman - did a 1,000 mile ride retracing the route of Coronado searching for the seven cities of gold and earned a place in the Long Riders Guild. I emailed him and invited him to be on my radio show and he agreed. Great interview covering a wide range of topics, not just horses. Check it out online. We're going for a trail ride next time he comes out this way.


John Harrer said...

sounds like a great show. Also wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the Quarter Horse show with Mr. Chamberlin(sp). The story of the stallions are always rich with color.

It made me wonder how they developed an eye for those horses and if you ever considered do a show with an AQHA judge and have them point out exactly what makes a good QH.

Just a thought. Keep up the good work. I never miss a show (radio or tv) and I always learn something. Thanks.

Rick Lamb, Ph.D. said...

Hey John,
Thanks for the kind words and the suggestion. I've talked to some college judging teams (it's actually a sport!)There are some specific proportions they look for, but I think an experienced judge just has a sense from looking at the whole horse.

Barbara said...

I love the Doug Preston Books. After reading one mysterious scenario set in a canyon , involving riding horses in those conditions, I knew that this guy had experience with horses. I was fascinated by his non fiction books about distance riding and his adventures with his wife and daughter. They are really worth a read.

Rick Lamb, Ph.D. said...

Hey Barbara,
I just read a couple of his that have that setting: Tyrannosaur Canyon and Blasphemy. I'm in awe of the way he spins a tale and his use of language. Plus, it's just really cool that he's such a nice guy and, well, one of US. LOL

minniepearl said...

I had never heard of Douglas Preston until I heard your show. I bought 3 of his books, I am currently reading Cities of Gold, which is great. I live in Arizona, and enjoy reading the history. I recommend this book to anyone who loves horses and lives in the Southwest.

Rick Lamb, Ph.D. said...

Hey Minnie,
Cities of Gold may be the best book I've ever read, made all the more so for having met Doug. It's hard to imagine him doing all that stuff, and then being able to write about it the way he did, weaving in so much history and keeping it interesting. Enjoy!

PS What do you think of Agent Pendergast? Best detective since Sherlock Holmes!

Rick Lamb, Ph.D. said...

Hey Minnie,
Cities of Gold may be the best book I've ever read, made all the more so for having met Doug. It's hard to imagine him doing all that stuff, and then being able to write about it the way he did, weaving in so much history and keeping it interesting. Enjoy!

PS What do you think of Agent Pendergast? Best detective since Sherlock Holmes!

Spooking on the Trail

On Facebook recently, a poster described a spooking incident and wondered what the horse learned from the rider’s response. In this case, ...