This is another “heads up” about a great radio interview. This week, my friend, mentor, and coauthor, Dr. Robert M. Miller, talks about his new book on handling the equine patient. Although originally written for veterinarians, vet students, and vet techs, the book is a treasure trove of useful tips for anyone who interacts with a horse for any reason. Pay special attention to our chat about touching the horse – the when, the how, and the why. Horse docs must regularly treat horses they don’t know, or worse, horses that have phobias about veterinary procedures. The approach and first touch that Bob describes is virtually the same as I use in my Two-Minute Introduction. Both reduce the horse’s natural uneasiness, pique his curiosity, and plant the seeds of trust. That’s a lot to accomplish in your first moments with a horse.
By the way, Bob celebrates his 84th birthday soon. If you feel like leaving him a birthday wish, you may do so at