Horses need
forage and lots of it. If you buy hay, you have a choice between grass hay and
alfalfa hay. At certain times and places, you may also have the option of a
grass/alfalfa mix. Here’s how to make sense of these options.
Different plants.
First understand that grass and alfalfa have different properties because they
are different plants. Grass is … well, grass. Alfalfa is a legume in the same
class as clover and soybeans. Compared to grass, alfalfa has more calories
per pound (i.e., it is more “calorie dense”), more minerals (especially
calcium), and more protein. Digesting alfalfa generates more body heat so your
horse will be hotter in the thermal sense when he gets alfalfa. He may also be
hotter in the behavioral sense because he will have more energy from the extra
calories. This seems to be especially true for horses that are already hyperactive
by nature. Horses find alfalfa more palatable than grass and will always eat it
first if given both.
How to use
alfalfa. The default forage for horses is grass. You should have a reason to
feed alfalfa. Think of it as higher-octane fuel for your horse. If your horse
stays outside in very cold weather, you can feed alfalfa to help him stay
warmer. If your horse expends a lot of energy and breaks down a lot of muscle
tissue in his training or daily work, alfalfa is a good choice as the primary
forage because of its higher levels of calories and protein. For horses with a
medium work load, a combination of grass and alfalfa – either grown together as
a mixed forage or purchased separately – works well. By the way, feeding too
much alfalfa will not burn up a horse’s kidneys. This is a myth. In the words
of equine consultant, Patrick Cassady, you’ll just get “more sweat, more urine,
and sometimes more attitude.”
Alfalfa and
ulcers. Alfalfa can help if your horse has stomach ulcers because of its higher
calcium content. Calcium is an antacid; it buffers stomach acid. However, the
main management strategy with ulcers, both in their treatment and prevention,
is to have regular forage feedings throughout the day. The exact combination of
grass and alfalfa hay that works best for your horse is for you to figure out
as you monitor his behavior and body condition. If you do need to make a
change, for any reason, be sure to do it gradually. Take a week to 10 days and
give the beneficial bacteria in the hindgut time to adapt to the changes in
their environment.
When not to feed
alfalfa. Some serious horsemen feed nothing but alfalfa to their horses and
seem to have no problems. However, there are still some good guidelines to
observe. Feeding alfalfa to a hard-working horse in hot weather can lead to
excessive sweating and overheating. This is a good time to switch to a grass
hay and an alternative source of calories, such as a modern low-starch mix. If
a horse has too much energy for its rider to handle, alfalfa is not the right
choice for forage. Finally, be very careful about feeding cattle-grade alfalfa
to horses. Cattle-grade alfalfa is typically coarser and more difficult for the
horse to process. More important, it may contain mold, which is fine for cattle
but can be deadly for horses. Always keep in mind that horses and cattle have
very different digestive systems. If you buy alfalfa, make sure it is meant for
Final thought. Alfalfa
is an important tool in the equine diet. Don’t be afraid to use it. Just be
sure you’re making the best possible deal for your horse when you do.
Special thanks to
Patrick (Pat) Cassady, equine consultant for ADM Animal Nutrition, for his
input on this article. If you found it useful, please like, share, and comment.